
System And Method

The modern bio­re­so­nan­ce device Ime­dis-Expert-Well­ness enab­les to mea­su­re body ener­gy sys­tems and bring them back to har­mo­ny in a gent­le way!

With the Ime­dis-Expert-Well­ness-Device, the self-regu­la­ti­on of your body can be gent­ly che­cked and har­mo­ni­zed. This device with its con­stant­ly updated soft­ware com­bi­nes the latest sci­en­ti­fic fin­dings, inclu­des infor­ma­ti­on from various healing sys­tems and ope­ra­tes with a sta­te-of-the-art tech­no­lo­gy.

The Ime­dis-Expert-Device inclu­des the fol­lo­wing pro­ce­du­res from holistic medi­ci­ne:

  • Bio­re­so­nan­ce and mul­ti­re­so­nan­ce the­ra­py (BRT)
  • Qua­trant, seg­men­ti­al and meri­di­an ener­gy tes­ting
  • Elec­troacu­p­unc­tu­re accord­ing to Dr. R. Voll (EAV)
  • Vege­ta­ti­ve reso­nan­ce test (VRT)
  • Magne­to and elec­tro sti­mu­la­ti­on
  • Colour and light pen­cil sti­mu­la­ti­on
  • Har­mo­ni­za­ti­on with the body’s own oscil­la­ti­on
  • Copy­ing and record­ing of sub­s­tan­ces

It allows nume­rous body ener­gy sys­tems to be mea­su­red and ana­ly­zed. Ener­ge­tic stress from all­er­gens, ill making geo­pa­thic expo­sures, medi­ca­ti­ons, patho­gens such as: viru­ses, bac­te­ria, fun­gi or para­si­tes can also be mea­su­red. The results are dis­play­ed gra­phi­cal­ly on screen. This allows you to under­stand the chan­ges and impro­ve­ments you have made after the bio­res­o­anan­ce­the­ra­py. It will streng­t­hen your con­fi­dence in your own per­cep­ti­on and in your self-healing powers.

Based on the­se com­pre­hen­si­ve ener­ge­tic body ana­ly­ses by the Ime­dis-Expert-Device, an indi­vi­du­al infor­ma­ti­on com­po­und is assor­ted for each cli­ent and trans­fer­red to the ener­gy body.

Fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on on the Ime­dis-Expert-Sys­tem can be found here: Ime­dis-Expert-Sys­tem