

The bio­re­so­nan­ce­the­ra­py (BRT) is an infor­ma­ti­ve ener­ge­tic tre­at­ment that can mea­su­re and har­mo­ni­se the elec­tro­ma­gne­tic vibra­ti­on field of the human body.

This sen­si­ti­ve field is respon­si­ble for all the con­trol ope­ra­ti­ons of the body. Stress, mal­nut­ri­ti­on or pol­lutant stress may affect the body self-regu­la­ti­on. If the­se dis­or­ders and unhar­mo­nious vibra­ti­ons remain for a lon­ger peri­od, phy­si­cal mal­func­tions and ill­ness are likely to occur.

The bio­res­o­anan­ce­the­ra­py or BRT with the modern Ime­dis-Expert-Device allows to dele­te or at least wea­ken the inter­fe­rence vibra­ti­ons by rever­sing patho­ge­nic fre­quen­cy pat­terns. In addi­ti­on, the healt­hy vibra­ti­ons are rein­forced. The orga­nism is sup­por­ted and its own defen­si­ve powers are activa­ted.

During the BRT a per­so­nal­ly adjus­ted infor­ma­ti­on com­po­und can also be recor­ded onto media such as glo­bu­les or drops. The inta­ke of this com­po­und sta­bi­li­zes the har­mo­ni­za­ti­on pro­cess in the long-term.

Basic Information

Our uni­ver­se is con­trol­led and kept in moti­on by vibra­ti­ons and ener­gy struc­tures. From Earth its­elf to every plant to the 60 tril­li­on cells of a human body.

Accord­ing to the latest fin­dings in phy­sics and mathe­ma­tics, we humans exist in dif­fe­rent dimen­si­ons simul­ta­ne­ous­ly. The phy­si­cal body exists wit­hin a sphe­re and is sur­roun­ded and pene­tra­ted by other invi­si­ble bodies. In holistic medi­ci­ne Dr. med. Kling­hardt descri­bes five BODIES and LEVELS of a human being:

  1. Phy­si­cal Body: 5 sen­ses, mus­cu­los­keletal sys­tem — Bio­che­mi­cal Level
  2. Ener­gy Body: emo­ti­ons, chi, life force — Elec­tro­ma­gne­tic Level
  3. Men­tal Body: thought, faith — Mind Level (con­scious & sub­con­scious)
  4. Intui­ti­ve Body: dreams, magic, sym­bols — Uncon­scious Level
  5. Soul / Spi­rit Body: uni­ver­sal oneness, God - Hig­her Con­scious­ness Level

In gene­ral, the lower levels pro­vi­de the ener­gy for the hig­her levels. Howe­ver, the hig­her ones con­trol and regu­la­te the lower levels.

The­re­fo­re, health and phy­si­cal well-being are the natu­ral sta­te of our body. The basic phy­si­cal pro­ces­ses, such as meta­bo­lism, the acid-base balan­ce, the trans­mis­si­on of sti­mu­li via the ner­vous sys­tem or the blood cir­cu­la­ti­on, thus func­tion self-regu­la­ting. They are con­trol­led by hig­her-level vibra­ti­on sys­tems and ener­gy flows.

The­se non-mate­ri­al con­trol sys­tems, espe­ci­al­ly of the ener­gy body, inclu­de, among others:

  • The Mor­pho­ge­ne­tic Field, the ener­gy fields or aura of the body
  • The Meri­di­an Sys­tem, the ener­gy pathways of the body
  • The Cha­kra Sys­tem, the ener­gy cen­ters of the body

Disea­ses and mood dis­or­ders are the error messa­ges of the human self-regu­la­ting sys­tem. In order to return to balan­ce, it is important to note, ana­ly­ze, and cor­rect the­se error messa­ges.