

Born 1970 in Inns­bruck. Degrees in tou­rism and busi­ness. Sin­ce 1994 in Vien­na. Many years of work expe­ri­ence in the tra­vel and air­line Indus­try. Among other com­pa­nies I worked for Rosen­bluth Intl. and the IAEA in the Vien­na Inter­na­tio­nal Cen­ter, Lau­da­air, Swis­sair and Asu­tri­an Air­lines. Lon­ger stays abroad in Switz­er­land, the U.S.A. and Aus­tra­lia. Spe­cial trai­nings for coa­ching and bio­re­so­nan­ce­the­ra­py sin­ce 2002. Working self-employ­ed in my own bio­re­so­nan­ce office sin­ec 2008.

Niko­laus Pau­er


    Aus­tri­an busi­ness tra­de: „Lebens- and Sozi­al­be­ra­ter“ is a 3 year’s stu­dy at the Hil­de­gard v. Bin­gen Health School and Arge Lebens­be­ra­tung in Vien­na (2002–2005)
  • BIORESONANCE-THERAPY with the Ime­dis-Expert-Sys­tem sin­ce 2005, Ongo­ing trai­ning cour­ses at the IBBU (Insti­tu­te for Bio­sen­so­ric and Bio­en­er­ge­tic Envi­ron­men­tal Rese­arch) under the sci­en­ti­fic direc­tion of Dr. DI Noemi Kem­pe
  • KINESIOLOGY — Touch for Health I‑IV with IKC cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on from the Inter­na­tio­nal Kine­sio­lo­gy Col­le­ge at BFI (Insti­tu­te for Busi­ness Pro­mo­ti­on) Vien­na (2007–2008)
  • AUSTRIAN BUSINESS LICENCE for “Ener­ge­ti­ker” sin­ce 2008


  • Dia­gno­sis and the­ra­py by endo­ge­nous bio­re­so­nan­ce the­ra­py
  • The­ra­py con­trol and stra­te­gies with the body’s own vibra­ti­ons
  • Dia­gno­sis and the­ra­py by exo­ge­nous bio­re­so­nan­ce the­ra­py (elec­tro- , magne­to- and light pen­cil the­ra­py)
  • Crea­ti­on of the opti­mal bio­re­so­nan­ce com­po­und and use of the Ime­dis selec­tor
  • Ime­dis qua­drant mea­su­rement and seg­men­tal dia­gnostics
  • Elec­troacu­p­unc­tu­re dia­gnostics accord­ing to Dr. R. Voll (EAV)
  • Vege­ta­ti­ve reso­nan­ce test (VRT) and cha­kra test
  • Psy­cho­so­ma­tic cau­ses of disea­ses
  • Basics of the regu­la­ti­on in the human body accord­ing to Hans Selye
  • Auto­no­so­de the­ra­py by using the Ime­dis sys­tem
  • Tre­at­ment of para­si­tes, viru­ses and bac­te­ria in the human body with the Ime­dis sys­tem
  • Ana­to­mic and phy­sio­lo­gi­cal foun­da­ti­ons for tre­at­ments with the Ime­dis sys­tem

RADIESTHESIA-TRAININGS with Ing. C. Gal­ko, Vien­na (2006, 2008):

  • Use of pen­du­lum, dowsing rod and Bio­ten­sor­Bio­ten­sor®
  • The dif­fe­rent effec­ts of radia­ti­on types, tech­ni­cal methods of mea­su­rement
  • Fin­ding and inter­pre­ting cos­mic and ter­restri­al forms of ener­gy such as water lines, geo­lo­gi­cal dis­tor­ti­ons, cur­ry­grid effec­ts, etc.
  • Slee­ping and working place reha­bi­li­ta­ti­on


  • Pra­nic Healing® I : Omst­tu­re for Inner Stu­dies, Inc., Vien­na (2005)
  • Fami­ly set­tings and sys­temic work accord­ing to Hel­lin­ger at Dr. N. May­er, Meta­for Cent­re (2002–2003)
  • Body work and respi­ra­to­ry the­ra­py acdord­ing to N. Hen­ke-May­er, Meta­for Cent­re (2003)
  • Bach flower work­shop (2003)


Bio­re­so­nan­ce­the­ra­py with the Ime­dis-Expert-Sys­tem (sin­ce 2005)

Radia­es­the­tic con­sul­ting with one­hand-rod and biotensor®(since 2006)

Per­so­nal empha­sis on my ener­gy con­sul­tan­cy:

  • Skin pro­blems, all­er­gies , rheu­ma­tic com­p­laints, back pro­blems
  • Stress, bur­nout, depres­si­on
  • Can­cer pati­ents sup­port (detox of mis­in­for­ma­ti­on and recon­struc­tion of the body self-regu­la­ti­on after che­mo the­ra­py)
  • Unclear pain con­di­ti­ons, which are often dif­fi­cult to dia­gno­se and cure like migrai­nes, pro­blems in the abdo­men, neur­al­gia, etc.
  • Reco­gni­zing and redemp­ti­on of cathe­xis
  • Spe­cial offers for body ener­gy checks to relax and streng­t­hen body and Psy­che.
    1. Emo-Check: Pro­ces­sing and tracking of emo­tio­nal imba­lan­ces.
    2. Living area-Check: The detec­tion and reme­dia­ti­on of pro­blems in the human body cau­sed by elec­tro­smog, geo­pa­thic faults, water­li­nes, radia­ti­on, etc.