
It makes me hap­py to accom­pa­ny peop­le and to ensu­re their well-being.

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Some­ti­mes it is necessa­ry to explo­re the body and mind more clo­se­ly to regain this well-being. Howe­ver, it is very important for me to work with methods which deli­ver mea­sura­ble and veri­fia­ble results.

Working as a flight atten­dant, I had skin pro­blems, insom­nia, and inde­ter­min­ab­le pain in the sto­mach and abdo­men. Despi­te an inte­rim impro­ve­ment, con­ven­tio­nal medi­ci­ne could not help me to sustain a long las­ting healing. That led me to a com­ple­men­ta­ry cure. With bio­re­so­nan­ce the­ra­py I was delight­ed to gain a rapid impro­ve­ment alrea­dy after the first ses­si­on. I’ve been pain­less sin­ce then, fee­ling more ener­gi­zed than befo­re.

Tes­ting, con­sul­ting and har­mo­ni­zing in one ses­si­on!

Over 20 years of experience …

Espe­ci­al­ly in the infor­ma­ti­on age the ener­ge­tic care of fre­quen­cy-dama­ged or sick peop­le and tho­se loo­king for an ans­wer is of par­ti­cu­lar impor­t­an­ce.

With the Ime­dis-Expert-Sys­tem, I found a way to bring the body ener­gy­sys­tem gent­ly back to har­mo­ny. This is even pos­si­ble wit­hout having phy­si­cal con­tact. On the fol­lo­wing pages you will learn more about the bio­re­so­nan­ce the­ra­py, its bene­fits and are­as of app­li­ca­ti­on.

You can reach me from 10 am to 7 pm
+43699 194 189 01

Or wri­te an email to

Waag­gas­se 2a/22 — A‑1040 Vien­na

Ime­dis® The gent­le way to mea­su­re and har­mo­ni­ze the human ener­gy sys­tem!